Thursday, March 9th

4:00 - 5:15 pm PST

Join Rebekka for an online, private masterclass, committed to helping you help your whole Self, whatever life waves you may currently be riding. Take a time out to tune in and touch in with points like,

What do you want in this life?

What do you need, if you even know?

Where’s your energy going and where would you like it to go?

If you simply want to feel better now, this is for you.

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The truth is, life will always be crazy. Life is highs and lows; ups and downs. It goes with the saying, you can’t control the waves but you can learn to surf. In this masterclass, reconnect with skill sets for your mind, body, and soul, to help surf the waves of life.

There is only ONE YOU in this whole Universe and while there’s all sorts of advice floating around these days, if you’re attempting to follow someone else’s blueprint, something is misaligned. By realigning your life — your beliefs, your habits, your daily practices, and most importantly your desires — life begins to feel different again. It begins to “work”.

Come and discover ways to help you know when and how to shake off stress and instead, create more desired feelings like peace and calm. Learn how to rewire fatigue into personal power to help you recall that you ARE energy and you CAN CREATE the life you want, it begins with taking time and perhaps, having some guidance.

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What’s a masterclass?

 This is a webinar class, primarily a presentation by Rebekka. Parts will be interactive though the entire class is set up for you to remain private and use the time just for You, however that may look/feel. There is opportunity to ask questions and receive guidance during and after the masterclass. It will be in video format, you will be off screen until the end

You will:

  • learn how to regulate your nervous system {aka mind/body}

  • specifically release things stress, worry, fear, anger

  • & call forth the reclaimed energy to use for the betterment of YOU

  • explore ways to self soothe when times get rough

  • restore a special connection to Self {capital “S”!}

  • establish a personal power plan

  • feel community

  • access to Q & A coaching time with Rebekka

  • & more!

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What’s the cost?

$27 {$37 day of}


Where does it take place?

Online only.


What if I can’t make it live?

Yes. If you cannot attend live, a replay will be available.


What else do I need?

A special notebook or folder, paper or virtual, is recommended but not required. There will be journaling prompts but these may also be visualized without writing; your choice!

Otherwise, just interest, an open mind, and a quiet, distraction-free zone to tune in from.



About Rebekka

Rebekka is a wearer of many wellness hats, spending 15 years working with people and their wellbeing. Yoga, personal training, meditation, and now Somatic Experiencing are all tools she uses when helping people along their life path and, in this space and case, to help you come home to you. By tapping into your inner power, steadying your inner peace, and activating the you-est you, anything you desire is yours. Life is happening now. Make it amazing.