Hey! Have you wanted to add Yoga to your life or deepen the roots within your current practice?

The ‘Yoga Starts Here Series’ will give you a necessary connection to the whys , whats , whos , and you with Yoga. With a lifetime of experience and over 17 years teaching, join Rebekka in this refreshing intro course that will boost comfort and confidence as you lay footsteps on your Yoga journey.


Yoga Starts Here: Yoga + Why + What + You

Welcome to the series! In this first video, we go beneath the roots of Yoga and connect with why you’re even meeting Yoga now in the first place and then, what do you want out of it? Learn a teensy bit of Yoga history as well as a few key pieces to support you as you take the first step.

Episode 2: Mats and Blocks and Props - Oh My!

What does one even need to start yoga? In the second video, we go into how to prepare for your practice. Although an uber minimal activity, there are some things to consider to set up for success. Spoiler - you don’t need $100 yoga pants!

Episode 3: It Actually Starts Here with Breath

What? It doesn’t start with a down dog? No, before we even get into the body, we get into the breath. Why are you breathing so shallow? Enter the belly breath, 3 part, and Darth Vader {that’s right…}.

Want to keep going ? Complete the series here ⤵