Dark Days, Bright Nights : Happy Solstice ❄️

Happy Solstice! While it's the shortest day of the year, hence the darkest days, and we're riding the coattails of the full moon, or brightest nights, I am here to remind you first, that it's literally all lighter from here AND a few other things I've had swirling and feeling called to share as we approach year end...

There's still been so much in the air socially, environmentally, and ultimately just energetically on all levels. I've noticed myself still retreating a bit to compensate. Oftentimes referring to this as a cocooning stage, I know to trust the process although I'll also admit that the do-er in me has been antsy.

Aside from a handful of private, virtual clients, I'm working the least I ever have. I'm not teaching any public classes {other than random online, donation sessions - one's up on New Year’s Eve} and currently have zero Yoga Teacher Trainings on the books.

By cutting out the energy of "gogogo" I've naturally evolved into "restrestrest" even while that inner do-er isn't always initially ok with it. And here we all still are at this pivotal time of seasonal shift, big annual year end closings, and fresh beginnings right around the corner.

We can’t fight nature. That potential urge to merge with the darkness and shortness right now is nature. Even with a spark of doer-energy, it’s like pushing a boulder uphill to expect major doing this time of year.

That’s not to say come January 1 you won’t feel a burst — I’ve leaned into that collective motivation most years and it’s a palpable thing. Do you feel it each year? The energy of begin again? Of possibility? Of hope or change? Even if someone chooses to not hype the day, I believe at this point, there’s no denying our connection as living beings. And when the majority is choosing to believe all of forementioned, buckle up and jump in because you’re along for the ride!

Leading me to sharing a feeling that’s been building and is getting to the point of REALLY strong… it’s time to get and stay higher.

It’s time to recognize that we are TRULY more the same as human to human than we are different.

The decades of finding way after way to divide humans is, in my opinion, stale, done, and honestly boring and gross.

So on this darkest day of the year, a time to realign with nature and even cocoon harder, I’m heading in with intentions and prayers that we each can see through any viewpoints that are divisive.

For me, I’ve been noticing when judgement comes in around another person’s opinions, words, actions. When I realize that they aren’t attacking me, they aren’t attempting to change me, that instead they simply have another opinion, I’m able to work through what I’ve learned is a negative pattern or belief of mine that’s kept me limited from even greater expansion.

NOTE that while yes, a big part of me is saying, c’mon let’s love everybody, I also know that at this point in time, there are a lot of humans who also have layers of hurt and trauma that may lead them to living and reacting from a not so aware or from-love place. Please build your boundaries and use discernment. Trust your gut on who is truly safe and who you may choose to keep distance with; still sharing a unified love for human kind and the world AND remember that you matter most first. Take good care.

As cheesy as it may sound, my Solstice intention and Christmas wish this year is that more individuals will “wake up” to true health for the mind, body, soul, and for the collective of living creatures on this one beautiful planet. To remember from an outer space, zoomed out view, that this is one small planet in the scheme of the Universe. That it’s time to encourage practices that will save this planet Earth home, and in turn, save our inner homes of bodies, minds, and hearts.

From my two cents to yours,



Chillax Your Heart Out 😎


Your Bare Earth Starting Point 🌱