Chillax Your Heart Out šŸ˜Ž

The chill + relax state of being is real. And I hope you are sliding it into your schedule one way or another, always but especially right now. Sunday or any day. If you've been following along with me for a little while now, here and there, you've most likely heard of my beliefs around hustle, flow, and the time and place for both. The older (and maybe wiser?) I get, the more I'm into the flow > hustle.

Especially this time of year when nature is literally encouraging a slow down, hibernation, why hurry?

Especially as so much of the world has felt *something* big over the last two years and nervous systems need time to recoup?

Why ram on the gas pedal just to make it to the next red light?

Why burn out your fuel in that process?

When does the conservation come in?

Especially when you're totally out of gas? Don't be a Kramer {Seinfeld, anyone?}.

While your car can probably pull out a few more feet off those gas fumes, why risk it?

Have you ever ran your human body-car on fumes (little sleep, poor nutrition, negative mindsetā€¦)?

Kramer with no gas

Agh! Cringey! It makes so much of my body weaken and curl up at the thoughts of those life-detracting conditions.

Instead of being a Kramer and running on empty or on weak fuel like caffeine {I LOVE a coffee but know that I cannot run on it alone for long}, slow it dowwwn.

Remember that you are a living beating, breathing, pretty freaking cool living being and that you deserve THE BEST OF EVERYTHING this life has to offer.

If thatā€™s a lot to take in, let that be the practice.

Maybe create an affirmation along those lines :

ā€œI am a pretty freaking cool living being and deserve the best of everything! ā€
— me

Ah, the power of affirmation, especially when itā€™s TRUE { ā¬†ļø that is SO true!}

Anywho, back to the chillaxing ā€¦

Kick back. Refuel. Begin to recharge your mind with affirmations or meditations and boost your body with replenishing its fuel supplies {sleep, good food, balanced movement/rest}.


Remember that less really is more in so many ways and if itā€™s been a bit since you drove the street of less effort, why not try it out? Remember, no Kramer-ing {running on low} but take a cruise down easy-er street and see what happensā€¦

I BET youā€™ll get the same amount done with more mindful, high quality connection.

And I feel like this will evolve into a chillax part 2 but for now, feeling this boost of Self awareness.

If youā€™re curious enough to hear a little more from me now, check out the first video of my ā€˜Feel Better Now : PSAā€™ series and let me know what you think!

- xo Bekka


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